

Hi! Do you remember me? The girl you made feel worthless? Yeah, I bet you didn’t know that I cried myself to sleep? Or that I was scared to come to school? You know that feeling when you want to talk but cant… Wait, you never had to experience that… Remember that time in primary/elementary when you stood up AGAINST me! Yeah I do to! Probably more than you do.. You know the sad aspect is that we could have been friends if you hadn’t treated me like shit. Now you my childhood nightmare stalk me around the playground . Now you my childhood nightmare want to be friends. Now you my childhood nightmare want to hold my hand.Now you my childhood nightmare want to no longer be my childhood nightmare. Never stalk me around the playground you make me feel anxious. Never ask to be friends cause you just after my popularity. Never try to hold my hands because you never did before. Don’t you dare ask to no longer be my childhood nightmare because you no longer are…

You know who you are

3 thoughts on “Dont

  1. nerdywritinggirl says:

    You know what, someone also did that to me in school like when i was at preschool and elementary. She would pour water all over me during lunch time when no one was there and she would accuse me of stealing other else’s things. At that time I didn’t usually sleep that much because I am afraid of having nightmares about her. Good thing my friends were there to help me. Until now she still doesn’t talk to me but at least she doesn’t do anything bad to me. If you are having a problem know that I will aleays be here for you because I do not like other people going through what I had been through. So know that I am a click away.
    Btw my name is Violet Grace but you can call me nerdywritinggirl
    Pls. Check out my blog and comment if I can improve anything. Thanks!


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